Wednesday, February 3, 2010

letter from someone who loved me that way....and for those whom I loved so much...

from the one and only "nemo" thanks for've shared with me...hope this is gonna be a good beginning between you and me..and the world around us.... thanks for understanding me so well...that I'm a selfish, individualistic, having so highly - pride of confessing something...and yeah...full of carelessness...and i was so shock to read this...and thank you for loving me that way...^^b

February 2, 04.12am

Dear, Love

There maybe days when yew get up in the morning and things aren't the way yew had
hoped they would be. That's when yew have to tell yourself that things will get better. . . There r times when people disappoint yew and let yew down. But those r the times when yew must remind yourself to trust your own judgments and opinion to keep your life focused. . Read more on believing in yourself. There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life, and it's up to yew to accept them. Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for yew. .it may not be easy at times but in those times of struggle yew will find a stronger sense of who yew are. So when the days come tat r filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, rememba to believe in yourself, in God and all yew want your life to be. Because the challenges and changes will only help yew to find the goals that yew know r meant to come true vo yew. Keep believing in God and in yourself.

Happy Birthday

With love. .

hmmmm....thanks yaaaa....this words means a lot for yew...>_<> for everyone...for my beloved mom and dad'...yg udah selalu support di belakang kapanpun dan dimanapun..makasih ya pa ma...udah selalu support tunjung and rela akhirnya nglepas tunjung sendiri disini...untuk kakak gue tersayang dan ceweknya yg slalu berusaha ada buat gue..i do love my bestfriends...sahabat sahabat guee..guys..all of you are amazing and the best gifts for me from the beginning until now..jangan bosen bosen kasi doa and support yah..........and for you..who really loved me that way.... thanks wat smua support and doa doa kalian yah....makasih bangett....aku gag bisa bilang apa apa kecuali makasih ...dan sekali lagi..terima kasih...... Tuhan jahatkah aku dan egoiskah aku jika aku bilang...Tuhan aku sayang mer
eka dan aku ingin selamanya begini...just don't wanna let them go...Tuhan makasih...I love to be a simple girl and i do love my simple life..... officially missing you...

Tunjung ^^b

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I can finally see,
That you're right there beside me,
I am not my own, For I have been made new Please don't let me go,
I desperately need you
I am not my own, For I have been made new Please don't let me go, I desperately need you


Monday, February 1, 2010

If I were a Beyonce

If I were a boy even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted
And go drink beer with the guys

And chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
And I'd never get confronted for it
'Cause they stick up for me

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her
'Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone it's broken
So they'd think that I was sleeping alone

I'd put myself first
And make the rules as I go
'Cause I know that she'd be faithful
Waiting for me to come home, to come home

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man

I'd listen to her
'Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

It's a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake
Think I'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong

But you're just a boy
You don't understand
And you don't understand, oh
How it feels to love a girl
Someday you wish you were a better man

You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
'Cause you're taking her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
But you're just a boy


something has surely changing in my life. something has surely changing in me. the way i look at days, the way i look at things, the way i look at my self is never be the same ever again. it's all changing....... and i don't even know whether it changing into a better or a worse thing. all i know is just, everything was changed. I, was changed. being here, in my empty-yet-full-of new room, in front of my laptop, writing this post, while Boys Like Girls feat Taylor swift Two Is Better Than One’s song played in background, i tried to remember what the hell is changing me. it's him. everyone knows that. but, i think it takes more than him to change me. maybe he did change a little piece of me, but the rest? i don't think it is only him….but almost part of my life is changing because of him… hhmmm…what about life…yeeaahh I guess and I think so Well….tampaknya phenomena gegar budaya dan phenomena melunturnya kemampuan berbahasa jawa gue sudah mulai terasa akhir akhir ini dan menempelnya logat “lo – gue” yang makin saja terasah dari hari ke hari….

Ya ya ya…hari ini benernya beberapa hari terakhir siihh gag cumin hari ni…, gue bener- bener menyadari satu hal yang sejujurnya aja bikin diri gue sendiri agak tercengang, fakta bahwa, "gue sama sekali ngga siap ninggalin kampong halaman gue... I mean Jogja….bahkan gue cenderung takut buat ngelepasin masa indah gue padahal selama ini gue pengen banget cepet- cepet Jogja dan cari suasana baru…tapiiii kok ternyata I feel that I wanna go home…..pengeeeeeeeeennnnn… ……..pulaaaannggg

pemikiran ini tiba- tiba timbul waktu tadi di kantor…seperti biasa berkutat dengan pekerjaan yg hmm…sebenarnya menyenangkan siihh…just….yah gimana ya…sedikit ..hhmmm..susahh ngomongnya…hmmm gini deh gara – gara foto bareng sahabat – sahabat busuk yang lalu lalang di screen saver……(berhubung gue lom pernah poto ama cowok gue yah…sory ya yank..poto anak anak duluu yaa yang aku pasang hihihii…)
tiba- tiba terlintas di kepala gue, "DAMN…….gue kagak bakalan dapetin moment moment di poto itu lagiiii…huksssss." dan pemikiran itu berkembang menjadi, "gila! gue bakal kangen banget nih ada momen- momen kayak gini..." dan bikin gue jadi tambah mikir, "gue kayaknya belom siap nih ninggalin hari- hari penuh hura- hura kayak gini..."
.tapi…gue udah janji sama enyak babe dirumah….(betewe…baru semalem gue sadar kalo enyak nangis ditelpon…Gosh…I miss her so….she’s the reason for the tears drop on my pillow last night…..miss you mom…
kalo boleh jujur…hmmmm…
gue bener- bener ngga siap ninggalin banyak hal dari apa yang ada selama ini...
gue ngga siap ninggalin kenangan- kenangan indah sekaligus malesin di Jogja,, gue ngga siap ngelepas masa masa fun fun fun gue,, gue ngga siap berpisah sama temen- temen yang udah bareng- bareng sama gue dari up side down gue....., ngumpul rame- rame nge-ceng-in orang, ngomongin orang, ngegosip...nyanyi- nyanyi karokean bareng……
gue yakin, gua bakalan kangen banget sama semua ini.....

yah tapi siap gag siap…gue udah janji ma diri sendiri wat kuat kuatin di Jakarta….yah buat yg sebagian bilang Jakarta lebih kejam dari ibu tiri well….guys..ada benernya sih tapi…yah idup itu penuh resiko….hahah setidaknya tinggal di jogja juga kalo kagak ati ati juga bahaya…..
but thanks buat smua yang udah support banyak hal…sahabat – sahabat gue…yang udah bener bener nguat nguatin dari jauuhh….buat my beloved mom and dad…I’m sure I’m miss you a lot….sekarang baru kerasa kalo…tunjung kangen banget cerewet nya mereka masalah JAM MALAM….hehehe…disini aja kagak ada jam malem but….pulang juga kagak berani malem – malem secara udah kagak ada angkot wkkwkwkk……thanks buat my beloved brother and her girlfriend yg udah selalu berusaha ada nemenin selama di Jakarta….hmmmm… yew….the last but not least for my the one who loved me that way… boyfriend…hihihiii……….oke oke aku gag akan nangis nangis minta pulang lagiiii tiap homesick….. yah tapi sesekali boleh lha yaaa…hihihi….but thanks yah for giving a big support…hmmm…just remember the song of Boys like Girls….” I remember what you wore on the first day...You came into my life and I thought..."Hey, you know, this could be something... 'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away…And now I'm left with nothing…” hehehehe…..

but I guess you are right from the beginning when you came and said to me a long time ago that…”ikan…maybe two is better than one”…and I do believe now that your words was true….hehehehehe….anyway falling in love at the coffee shop is unbelievable hahahhaha……

well…..ini adalah re-post dari note gue di FB...sekedar curahan hati setelah sekian lama gag menuliskan apapun di notes fb gue.....i don’t even care if someone akan bilang gue lebay alay..well just don’t care…ahahahah ^^b